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Christian Lanciai

from Sweden

Archive - March - 2009

The necessity of poetry (1) - 2009-03-01
Patience - 2009-03-02
The glory of my love (1) - 2009-03-03
My poverty - 2009-03-04
Intersexualism (3) - 2009-03-05
The Flight of Life (1) - 2009-03-06
Too much love is always too little (2) - 2009-03-10
Adjustment (1) - 2009-03-11
The Curse of the Full Moon (1) - 2009-03-12
Just another death star (5) - 2009-03-15
Reliability (1) - 2009-03-16
The Chamber (2) - 2009-03-18
An Effort at a Summary of Some Shakespeare Problems (essay) (5) - 2009-03-19
Double duplicity - 2009-03-20
The King of the Hippies (1) - 2009-03-21
A riddle (2) - 2009-03-23
No bounds (1) - 2009-03-25
Fragile! (2) - 2009-03-26
Deliverance - 2009-03-28
Meeting in darkness - 2009-03-29
Absent but lasting presence (1) - 2009-03-31