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43 years old from USA

Archive - July - 2006

Eviction (4) - 2006-07-01
Pain and Strife (3) - 2006-07-01
Your arms (3) - 2006-07-01
Hair balls--no way! (5) - 2006-07-01
Beauty is an Art (5) - 2006-07-04
The ocean in my soul (6) - 2006-07-05
Moon ray (9) - 2006-07-05
All for you. (5) - 2006-07-06
Love & Leaves are dying (4) - 2006-07-08
Did I spit on a Gypsy? (2) - 2006-07-08
Everytime feels like the first... (3) - 2006-07-08
Insomnia (8) - 2006-07-09
Reflections of the Future, Reflections of the Past (5) - 2006-07-10
Jello Shots (8) - 2006-07-11
She kissed his face.. (8) - 2006-07-23
Going Nowhere (9) - 2006-07-26
Moonstone (7) - 2006-07-29
A card redealt (2) - 2006-07-30
Agoraphobia--#1-The fear of crowds, or leaving a safe place. (5) - 2006-07-30
Automysophobia- Fear of being dirty. (4) - 2006-07-30
Aviatophobia- Fear of flying. (2) - 2006-07-31
Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture (4) - 2006-07-31
Acrophobia- Fear of heights (2) - 2006-07-31
Shadow Cat (2) - 2006-07-31