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32 years old from

Archive - July - 2009

Jester,jester where you go? - 2009-07-01
Philosophical - 2009-07-02
Enough with ideologies and empty words (2) - 2009-07-06
In some old discoteque - 2009-07-06
The Lost Moonlight (1) - 2009-07-07
For the Lover of Words (1) - 2009-07-08
If... (1) - 2009-07-08
I am... (4) - 2009-07-08
Soul - 2009-07-09
The Sun will turn yellow,someday... - 2009-07-12
Unhappiness (2) - 2009-07-13
The Red Kite (3) - 2009-07-13
People's existence (1) - 2009-07-14
About the Poets - 2009-07-29
The Diamond Dignity hidden in the Syringes (1) - 2009-07-29