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75 years old from

Archive - July - 2015

when madness envelopes (2) - 2015-07-02
certainly I said (1) - 2015-07-03
no more cessation of thoughts (1) - 2015-07-07
it is in the green (2) - 2015-07-11
I never saw dragons (1) - 2015-07-11
the night smells (2) - 2015-07-11
repeatedly in summer flustered with I (5) - 2015-07-17
I is the conscious entity of any man (3) - 2015-07-20
I sing the song of I (3) - 2015-07-22
so I belong to the ancient ones (4) - 2015-07-28
the sea's dark diatribe rolls (2) - 2015-07-29