poetic ponderings

Waves Never Stop~Wind Never Ends

portions of my life floating out to sea
letters in the sand carried away from me
waves of littered emotions scattered upon the deep
washing away the words underneath my feet

poet of my life, upon the wind you sail
raining tender mercies in a hard and bitter gale
sweet memories left in a salty goodbye kiss
tears running through poetry in this mourner's mist

pieces of a poem never written down
swirling in the mind of a heart that has no sound
just a quiet beating as the waves silence cries
only in a storm can there be a calming eye

passing of time never changes what was then
for waves never stop and wind never ends
my heart is unfurled blowing in your breeze
waiting for you, my bard, to rise up from the seas.

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 1619 times
Written on 2009-01-17 at 01:31

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
The beautiful tragic sadness in this amazing poem is almost more than I can take in. The bitter-sweet longing and treasured memories somehow try to live in your heart together and pain comes, but you do not want it to stop. For if it did, you fear you would lose all you have left of Michael. In this there is a telling of the greatness of the love you and Michael had and the greatness of your loss. But it is so deep and wide, only you can measure it. And time, as you say, has yet to bring healing. What it does bring is exquisit poetry like this that touches all who read it.

Dee Daffodil
This one is so touching. I love the ocean, and have often gone there seeking...solace...wisdom...peace... It fills me with energy, and soothes my soul. This poem seems to say that it does the same for you. Lovely piece !

Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful, thoughtful and thought-provoking!

Dan Cederholm

Wonderful poem Kathy!!!
I love all of the stanzas and the
combination of life, time and
pieces extracting with the words
of water, earth, wind and the fire
from the heart . . .

A sort of cosmic wind carrier . . .

Well thats how I read and think
this beautiful love letter!



Kshiti Dubey
Wow? Your poems inspire me. Sometimes I ask myself, why dont I get such ideas?!

Purple Phoenix
It's poetry like this that inspires us newbies to write. A beautiful portrait of words...just stunning.

melanie sue
Nice rhyming and flow.....I liked the subject too, as we all can relate to this, as poets/artists....a very enjoyable read indeed!

Wow, gives me the nostalgic yearning for childhood, summer, and good things gone. Absolutely astounding piece Kathy, really good stuff. I love the imagery, it is phenomenal. Bookmarked, of course.


by Kathy Lockhart