Thinking a lone with thoughts
Of this and that - what ever
Comes to mind
A need to be listened to
Up to listening - a two way experience

Few if any to share - who never mind
Not many would understand anyway
They need an ear - not rely wona hear
What you have to say - interrupted you
Mid line
They talk over what your saying
Somert totally unrelated - to what your a saying
They may as well of said: '' Thats all about you! ''
'' Now lets get back TO ME!''
Dont know about you - I hate that kind of thing!

ken d williams

The Accidental Dyslexic Wordsmith

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 581 times
Written on 2016-02-24 at 01:47

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
everyone is interested in projecting and not relating and absorbing. I suppose i am sometimes guilty of that too. I try not to be. Nice work ken.

JK Fisher
This is one of the most honest of poems. Ken, I believe your heart will always find a way to 'cheer' us during the cold and frigid northern winters. Thank you, sir.

Oh me too Ken, I so hate those peeps who talk over you and go off at a tangent!