Doomed to love you by Ann Wood

Doomed to love you!

We are two points intersecting,
connected with straight lines - segments!
We do not recognize the rules, we are these ...
Strangely they understand us, we are not easy!

Doomed from eternity to love you,
and in this life I will have to have you!
To silence all who are against.
Egypt Reborn - Enough Motive ...

What have we never been ?! True gods!
Messengers of Earth, we conquered worlds ...
We had power, authority, and predefined names -
we have kept a secret passion all the time!

Eternity has doomed me to love only you! ...
I bring heavenly faithful, do you remember Nut and Geb ?!
We were Shu and Tefnut first! We've been alive for centuries,
because there is no end to what we have ever experienced!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 408 times
Written on 2020-03-26 at 10:04

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Emily Cowgill
Intriguing point of view, the narrator has a sense of forebode.