Poetbay, I joined our poetbay due to a member Seda. A dear Friend of mine, asking me did I know of it. I had not, Seda, said ; ' I think that you would like it'. I took a look at the site like what I found. Promply joined poetbay, like poetbay! I fell in love with poetbay. Thanks to Seda and members of The Bay, I have develop in to not a bad writer. As if like a tree from a seadling into a oak tree. With many branches. :) I have made only Friends since I joinde and continue to make good the best of good the best of THE BEST kind. Sadly some of moved on in that they have there PCs resting, but they remain with us in what they left for me - us to read, when we do they indeed live on. Petbay is THE only writing site that continues to deliver. Any others, well they do not shire poetbays ethos it sole - it's spirit. I will always be gratefull to Seda and gratful to poetbay, I thank all those who have made poetbay what it is.

I have many writers young and the not young blossom on and due poetbay, some who have gone on to be published. Some who came to poetbay, did not believe in them selfs, never saw them selfs as poet's. We old sweats of poetbay, smild and said ; of coure you are a poet, the rest is ongoing, they write and write some more. Look no longer at their shoes muberling appolages. They look the world in the eye!

Ken D Williams

The Dyslexic Wordsmith Ov Thanet

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 528 times
Written on 2020-05-30 at 00:27

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Lovely story Ken, I think I qualify as an old sweat of PoetBay, been a privilege to know you.

Loved the story!!