
Another of that generation
Moved on
Mums generation.

Memories are mine
Of an east London
Council flat.
You in a dark room
Entertaining guests sat round
Us playing
In the dark.
You , a dark face
In darkness.
Lights everything minimised.
He said it’s cost
The benefit
I never understood that union.
The bite of your eyes
Through that
Powerful will.

Eventually one day
You escaped
Flew back to the island
A majestic house
Your freedom
Your power grown.

As an ‘aunt’
I knew you
Like many of us.
All my life
I puzzled to understand
A mild seriousness tainted smile

An expression
Saying there was
More, a secret
You would not
let on
As if tolerating
A world
you laughed at
from deep within.

In those later days
I found criticisms,
Expected favours
And so avoided it all.

Am I regretful? Feeling guilty?
We live our lives
What you saw
Maybe I never did
And so
The unaware
Are never guilty
Allows us less time to ponder .

When it’s over
It’s over,
For those left, anyway
We sit and recollect
Try to understand
Then the river picks us up again
Picks up speed
Until we lose sight
Of the bank
Until it slows
At the next obstacle.

I hope you finally
That darkness.

Poetry by vidura rambachan
Read 303 times
Written on 2020-09-20 at 11:34

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