Portraits on the Capitol Rotuna walls of historical figures and luminaries of the House and Senate. My take of them and the current state of affairs.


That wicked artist captured me

his oils and skill built my cage

I was innocent of this calumny 

that others felt I was engaged


in secret they arranged a savant

to paint my image as a portrait 

to reside with other public servants

for generations to commemorate 


my ego got me where I am

I agreed and now reside

amongst those other political shams

in guilded frames nowhere to hide


from this rotunda we've seen it all

kings and queens to orange tycoon

We hang here forever in silent marvel 

Now forced to watch a horned buffoon 

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 229 times
Written on 2021-01-11 at 19:12

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It is quite dismaying. Thank you for the poem. And please send a few thoughts heavenward that these toxic hooligans, vandals, thugs, and indeed murderers, will not perpetrate further damage, will not commit further crimes. I have scant grounds for hope, however.