This spring rain by Ann Wood

This spring rain,
who whispers softly in the glass,
is with the eyes of a man
and for you it rains in silence.
He tells dreams,
as if caressing you with fingers in love
and doesn't want to sleep,
cape of caresses scatter.
Every drop is a passion
and is a thirst for a little intimacy,
he spells aloud,
he hugged the breeze in his palms.
Will sprinkle with love
will shine with wonderful lightnings,
to dance ready
of the hour - you to go crazy over it.
And when to the end
has splashed longings for you,
will variegate the rainbow
and will wait under you to enter.
This spring rain!
You happily lost in his breath,
He - with the eyes of a man,
as in a fairy tale - wet and in love.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 215 times
Written on 2021-04-05 at 08:58

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
beautifully written.