Please respect my words. I've seen direct plaugrism I. Thank you all.
This is a Poem for those hard working poets all around the world

The Verse

The written verse shouldn't be imprisoned within sheltered hearts and minds alike,
but expressed with every aggressive pen stroke on russet jotter.
It should be erected by thousands of aching backs to be glorified
until to the sun ceases to gleam upon dark minds..
The written verse is not written for its bled, a passion that lacerates you soul, with deliverance, pain, and delight with no end in sight.

Poetry by wolfthepoet
Read 844 times
Written on 2006-07-05 at 03:59

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just like giving has its moments of pain and elation....but it must be!


Stand out and be heard--excellent!

Kathy Lockhart
Beautifully done. Thank you for you comments on my poem as well. It is very nice to meet you. I am eager to read more of your writings. :) kathy

Sandy Hiss
I nice tribute to poets. I enjoyed reading this.

Zoya Zaidi
I agree!
If you are a friend of Mexican2006, you are my freind too!
Love, xxx, Zoya