Loves a Memory

I'd do the same
But I know it sounds lame
Your suppose to get rid of them
But its like tossing a rare gem

My walk to the bus
My walk to the pier
I had no one to dicuss
Why I would tear

I'd go to the ice cream shop
And order a shake
For then I would stop
My heart would just ache

I'd then sit and wait
till a half pass eight
Untill the setting sun
Was finally done

I'd walk to your place
and knock on your door
And await your face
To show me something more

When I went to park
By the place where you were stabbed
Our initials were jabbed
In the pine tree bark
I'd do the same
But I know it sounds lame
Your suppose to get rid of them
But its like tossing a rare gem

My walk to the bus
My walk to the pier
I had no one to dicuss
Why I would tear

I'd go to the ice cream shop
And order a shake
For then I would stop
My heart would just ache

I'd then sit and wait
till a half pass eight
Untill the setting sun
Was finally done

I'd walk to your place
and knock on your door
And await you face
To show me something more

When I went to park
By the place where you were stabbed
Our initials were jabbed
In the pine tree bark

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 707 times
Written on 2006-09-26 at 03:17

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Whoa!, I feel your pain!!!