The Sevillanas a happy twirling whirling flamenco dance from Sevilla  So evocative at festival time.The feria at Malaga in August is a wonderful happy street festival. The girl in the yellow off the shoulder blouse real enough, but too young.

Sevillanas by M.A.Meddings

I went to Malaga first in 1983 all alone, for a break and happened on the August festival known as Feria De Agosta.  Wow what a party lolol just what I needed.


Fiestral brigands in Malaga
Dark eyed youths watching
The chosen ones Dance
The whirling twirling


And lithsome maidens
Arms aloft
Step the wild Fandangos
Of Hueva as the music changes


Then a darK eyed beauty
In an off the shoulder blouse
Silken soft her skin
So enchantingly caught my eye

Proffered with her  gentle smiles
She served the Malaga wine 
Then danced  for the Diestro
It must have been her beau


And I in lonely  reverie passed
Through to the cathedral
Heady from the tang of wine
And the gaety left behind

And as I turned towards the tower
I saw them Emblems of my youth
Floating on eddy currents aloft
The 'Black Rag Jackdaws' of the past
The only things constant


And I retraced my steps 
To a happier Place
Rumbustrious Feria joy
And asked that she might enjoy
My company to dance the









Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 470 times
Written on 2006-10-07 at 07:54

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Kathy Lockhart
I get caught up in these wonderful tales of adventure. I am transported to the time and feel like a child peeping around a mother's skirttail watching with delight a world vivid with dance, color, and excitement! : ) kathy

Malin Johansson
This is beautiful... I liked this one, the intensity in this poem is great!!
Regards from daughter

This becomes a charming film sequence bedofr my inner eye. Colourful and suggestive!

I liked that, vivid images and it gives one the feeling of being there with you.
They were Roma I guess, the musicians and the dancers. Flamenco dance and the clothes they use is a Roma heritage in Spain.

A beauty this write....:)

keith nunes
all colour and splendour and love and fun! cool.