Perfect Christmas

I wish for daddy to walk through that door

And us to be a happy family once more

Us to laugh and join together and pray

Eagerly waiting the waking of each day

A family what use to be but now is no more

Not a family since daddy walked out the door

Leaving us all desperately lonely and behind

Like a soul wondering treated very unkind

All alone and lost within the world and sea

I wished for my daddy to come back to me

Poetry by Dark Angel
Read 424 times
Written on 2006-12-20 at 13:21

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it brought tears to my eyes! its a very sad thing for what ur daddy did! but wish and pray for him to come back! i kno what its like with out parents bein together! my parents spilt up before i was even 3 yrs old! i wish that we could be a happy family again! but i know that it will never happen! I found some pics of my real parents when they were together. I found one pic of my blood brother in it! when he was alittle baby! i found NONE of me and my parents and my bro!!!!! i called my dad and asked him y and he said bc they got ripped up! sad huh? But i love my dad with all my heart! him and i r VERY VERY close and nuttin with change that! i dont kno what i would do if he went away! if he just went out of my life i dont kno what i would do! well anyways......Great poem!! keep up the great work sis!!! :D
Love your sis/best friend 4ever

Zoya Zaidi
I am sure your Daddy would came back to you,
Come Christmas, and there will be Santa Clause,
Knocking on your door, with his staff, and he will be
Accompnied by a gentleman, you will see,
Who, Lo! and Behold! Will be you Daddy!!!

This, I will pray for thee!

(((Big Christmas hugs to you, dear Dark Angel!)))

Love, Zoya