A mistake that will never be forgotten.
If my end of the bargan was kept...

I'm Sorry...

I'm sorry that you had to meet me,
I'm sorry that from the start it was not meant to be,
I'm sorry for my selfish deed,
I'm sorry for refusing to heed,
The warning bestowed on me,
Under lock and key,
Strong as steel,
Was this terrible deal,
To which I had no choice but to make,
I thought at first it would be a piece of cake,
But then I met you,
And I fell into,
A world I did not know was there,
You taught me how to love and how to care,
I'm sorry for loving and not leaving you be,
If I really lived for you and not me,
I would have left you before...
Oh, but your allure...
I'm sorry for that too,
If it was then that I left you,
I could go back to you now,
When I have the know-how,
Too keep you safe and happy in every way,
Not just for today,
But for the rest of our lives,
And not throw you into the sharp knives,
Of my life that point towards the sky,
You did not have to die...

I am sorry that you had to die,

Perhaps if I had let you go,
To a friend instead of taken from me by a foe,
I could have watched you from afar,
I could see you driving in your car,
Or walking down the street,
Smiling at those you meet,
Waving at those you know,
Those I know,
Will not hurt you,
I'm sorry that I didn't do,
What I needed to,
To keep you safe and well,

These thoughts flood my mind as I hear the church bell,
And I'm especially sorry those bells had to ring for you.

Poetry by Brielle Guesstell
Read 442 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 19:36

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