This is just something that was walking around in my mind...


You've come along,
making me feel your presence,
forcing me to look into your hazel eyes,
never taking no for an answer...

Even though you've been so hard on me
I can understand all of your moods
and I know that you love me with
your whole heart
and soul.

Eachtime I get scared,
or feel alone,
you are there,
putting your arms around me,
protecting me from all harm and
sheltering me against the loneliness...

Oh, how can I tell you what I feel?
How can I put it into words?
Why do I get this shy eachtime you come close?
Why can't I have confidence and tell you that I love you?

Now I've said it and you've said it,
but I still get lonely,
whenever I'm alone or blue,
and I still have this fear that somehow
somewhere along this road our love will die...

Poetry by Surei
Read 888 times
Written on 2005-11-17 at 16:39

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