
I have a memory.
Of a little girl.
Scared and sad.
In her own room.
Loocked up as in a cage.

She cryes and screams for mercy.
She bangs on the door.
Forever trying to get out.
Out of the booth they but her in.
Away from the lonelyness and pain.

I have a memory.
Of a little girl.
Scared and sad.
In her own room.
Locked up as in a cage.

She never harmed anyone.
She never did anything wrong.
Until they took her away from this world.
Until they locked her up and chained her down.
They did so to protect her they sayd.
But in stead the brooke her down.

I have a memory.
Of a little girl.
Scared and sad.
In her own room.
Loocked up as in a cage.

She is still trying to get out.
Even though she is no longer a little girl.
She still cryes at night.
Affraid of what tomorow will bring.
She still hides her true feelings inside.
Affraid of what they will say if she lets them out.
She is still alone.
Affraid what will happen if she loves someone.

I still have the memory.
But now the girl is close to giving up.
Will I let her?
Will I give in to her cryes and screams for death?

I have a memory.
Of a little girl.
Scared and sad.
In her own room.
Loocked up as in a cage.

Copyright ©2007 Nyorioko.

Poetry by Nyorioko
Read 424 times
Written on 2007-08-27 at 20:14

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