A song 'bout what-not.

listening to Pacific coast highway(Courtney Love) as i gave birth to this

I need an instrument

Should I stay,
or should I go,
should I run,
or just hide away?

Who am I, tell me baby,
scream it out loud.
I've forgot who I used to be!
I I I I I I---
never forgot..

remember baby

never ever forget

The last kiss, the first one
the only, killer demon bitch.

Let go.. never.. let go..
never.. let go.. never..

the prettiest boys
in the woods
with the prettiest wounds.
Make som weirdest sound.

Scream and laugh and sing
with all you got!

Poetry by baby Blue
Read 440 times
Written on 2008-04-05 at 18:01

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