
Welcome, I am glad you missed the sign,
for now I've got you, and forever you're mine.
So continue screaming, it is music to my ears,
and you'll be playing it for endless years.
For this is the place of no light or hope,
where even the mightiest of men, could never cope.
Where the ultimate terrors unfold,
and here you are, without his hand to hold.
Yet you knew I was coming, but stand alone you do,
so to escape me now, what plan have you.
To save you it was told, there is but one,
but you believed not, in his only son.
So you can cry, scream, and fall upon your knees,
but your soul has been given, to do as I please.
And unlike him, I care for you not,
so in store for you, much torment I have got.
Where with great pleasure, your soul I shall destroy,
laughing as your agony fills me with joy.
As you're consumed by the flames, that ever burn,
for you are the lost, and shall never return.
So here you must stay, in great torments and pain,
to never be loved, ever again.

Poetry by someone else
Read 469 times
Written on 2009-06-25 at 23:39

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Dee Daffodil
Oh sure...ya talk tough !! :-) I've glimpsed at most of your poems and notice a common theme... Intriguing poetry you write !

Oh dear! Someone else got out of bed on the wrong side!lol springs to mind as I read your well rhymed poetry. Welcome to our poetic bay of tranquil waters...

Smiling at you
