my poem "Watching you watching me..." is about two people who are in love, this is a variation, two people... but only one is in love... therefore named "Watching you, not watching back..."

hope you like it...

Watching you, not watching back...

A stomach filled with butterflies
I try to look you in the eyes
But all I hear from you is sighs
I know I'm not one of those guys

But still I'm watching you, not watching back
I wish I could tell you...

That this is a disguise
That I'm not what you despise
I try to improvise
But all you answer with is mean goodbyes
You never look me in the eyes
Never see the why's

Therefore I will be stuck watching you,
not watching back...

Poetry by Peter
Read 945 times
Written on 2006-02-20 at 17:31

Tags Watching  Love  Eyes 

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i like i like...interesting twist you took on this one, and i like the last lines of the poem
"Therefore I will be stuck watching you,
not watching back..."
luv it !

Your poem is really good and it expresses one sided love quite well. Great job! My favorite line is:
"Therefore I will be stuck watching you,
not watching back..."

Oh this feeling is devestating.
Being on the side watching isn't fun,
and the person on the other side
never seems to understand the pain in the lonelyness.

And since you write this as a kind of continuation to another poem,
like the lova has dissapeared from her heart since the last one, it's great :)

Malin Johansson
Watching love and not get it back is the hardest thing of them all, It breaks it's heart... Very gently and fine written..!!!

Veld Cooper
For once, I'm first! Such a clever concept, Peter...reminds me of the flipside of one of your other poems like the one is answering the other?