
I'm finding no peace when I close my eyes
Darkness is just another canvas
More lively –
daylight casts a haze over my dreams

I'm drowning in the numbness
A reality so clear, that what is real,
becomes cement and stone –
too rigid for my soul

Please, build me not out of reality –
let me sleep
War makes me so weary
But I like the true colours of dreams too much

Poetry by Angie-M
Read 841 times
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Written on 2010-04-12 at 01:20

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
It was one of those soft, deep "wows" that I had when I read this, I'm still taking it in... let me have another look.

I know, I'll quote something from an email I sent to friend recently: "I think the reason why I have been so dark lately is that the manner of society has become so glaringly transparent to me. The images created by it, the ones that distort the mainstream into misconceptions of beauty and love. These realisations took me into despair because they reinforced the idea that for me to ever find the one, they would need to be mostly stripped of these illusions. And when I look into the world and see the blindness it becomes painfully apparent that there are not many people like this around, and that my chances of being truly happy in a relationship are therefore extremely shortened."

Hang on to your dreams, they will guide you...

Great write!! enjoyed every line

I like this poem a lot... but I'm sorry I cannot pinpoint why exactly. It's interesting to have daylight as an obscuring force rather than illuminating.