Autumn to Winter

As I draw my curtains back and look across the town
I see a grey sky shadowing the rain that thunders down
I see a red roof burdened with the weathers of the years
A chimney home to seagulls, crows and all their feathered peers

I see beyond a misty haze has gathered for the fall
Behind I see the autumn leaves, upon the ground they sprawl
Above them stand the still green summer trees in massed devotion
For autumns here and soon to pass with winter set in motion

The rain I see will turn to snow and coat the land in white
A wonderland that sparkles even on a winters night

Poetry by ttius
Read 790 times
Written on 2014-10-15 at 16:26

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I like it. It's my kind of subject, and you are one of the few Poetbay poets who actually rhyme! I always try to rhyme, and sometimes feel guilty for doing so! Keep up the good work.

I like the way that though this is primarily a poem about autumn, you bring in all the seasons, the trees that are still green and the inevitable covering of snow. Very nice. Nature is the best muse.

I was left wanting more. Where I am it's exactly like this and it's raining. I enjoyed the rhyming, I'm not very good at it. I wondered if this was written as a song as your pic has a guitar, either way it works.