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Nick Matherne33 years old from Russia |
Archive - August - 2008
A Journey - 2008-08-14
On Driving - 2008-08-14
On Grossness (1) - 2008-08-14
Mamma Mia - 2008-08-14
On JL III (1) - 2008-08-14
On a Boy (2) - 2008-08-18
A Villanelle on a Boy (4) - 2008-08-18
Sigh... (2) - 2008-08-21
New Beginnings: The End? (1) - 2008-08-21
All this Over a Stupid Boy (7) - 2008-08-21
On the Subject of Weather (1) - 2008-08-25
Take My Hand (2) - 2008-08-25
The Return (2) - 2008-08-25
The Canoe (2) - 2008-08-25