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night soul woman

43 years old from Sweden

Archive - November - 2006

Rest my soul (6) - 2006-11-08
Running naked on the street (19) - 2006-11-01
A diffuse exercise of power! (your vote or nomination counts) (10) - 2006-11-03
For us to find (my contribution to Zoya/Aliena elements challenge) (5) - 2006-11-05
What's cooking? (6) - 2006-11-08
:) Dedicated to you Kathy! :) (8) - 2006-11-08
In the land of insanity (12) - 2006-11-11
Darling.... :D (7) - 2006-11-11
One line (7) - 2006-11-18
One line part 2 (4) - 2006-11-19
One line part 3 (4) - 2006-11-19
One line part 4 (5) - 2006-11-19
Like the dinosaurs part 5 (8) - 2006-11-19
Metamorphoses BDD (6) - 2006-11-22
Play your flute (6) - 2006-11-24
This is the end? (12) - 2006-11-26
Rendezvous (7) - 2006-11-25
One eternal line (7) - 2006-11-29
Feelings and expectations (one line poem) (9) - 2006-11-30