Get out of my system(edited)
2015-07-09 perfect last lines
The true home
2013-06-21 simple, beautiful, and poignant. well done.
Blind love.
2013-05-25 there is a much larger story not being told here, but i'm sure that is for personal reasons. i think too often people dive head first into relationships with their own idealizations and it can leave them cold when they don't hold up. this piece gets that across beautifully and in so few words. well done.
What you don't hear -haiku:)
2012-08-13 tremendous. there is much that can be learned in silence
I'm Your Man
2012-03-08 he was chuckling :)
2008-05-05 beautiful as love is so is this poem
2008-05-05 this is so fiery..
you capture perfectly the feeling of betrayal- i'm guessing-
very good read