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Jose Winston Soldevilla

58 years old from Thailand

The latest comments that Jose Winston Soldevilla has written.

Wireless and Digital

Hello my friend. It's a great poem Stan. It is really true that a lot of people nowadays are imprisoned by these digital machines. It's very rare that we see people look at each others faces for a long time. Most of them are busy doing other things and are most dependent on using these high tech gadgets for emotional communication.

The Bridge of My Destination

God old days memories are great to reckon with.
It reminded me of my own too.
A beautiful reminiscence of who we were and what we did before. Great writing my friend!

Hope Street

This is like a past revisited to me that would lead to the future to think more on the positive way. I love the way you use the word "tinnitus". It is very picturesque too. Well done Elle!

now and again

communication really matters my friend. It adds up to the beauty of life.

My heart

A bright reflection of a true heart. Nice write!