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Struggling, surviving, thriving. Learning to embrace the cycle. Processing through poetry.
Thrilled to find my way back to poetbay after something like a twelve-year hiatus.
It's lovely to be here.
Struggling, surviving, thriving. Learning to embrace the cycle. Processing through poetry.
Thrilled to find my way back to poetbay after something like a twelve-year hiatus.
It's lovely to be here.
Lady Courtaire |
MY TEXTS, Archive 25 Texts
Slow Poison (1) - 2020-10-05
Juncture (3) - 2020-09-21
Dry (6) - 2020-09-18
Separation: Sestina (5) - 2020-09-15
The State of Grief, One Year Later (6) - 2020-09-14
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