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Welcome to our page and feel free to leave us questions, comments, or suggestions!
The Editorial Team account is used as a point of contact with us for all the members of PoetBay.
It is used to inform you when your poetry has been chosen to appear on the Home page.
From time to time, we also post poetic challenges, classic/ modern poetry, as well as interesting content relating to the writing arts. We also occasionally post Community Polls & Discussions in order to include everyone in decisions concerning the site.
In addition, it is used to keep you informed or updated on the technical aspects of the site.
For the latest news and updates, visit our News page where I keep you informed about what we're working on, and what's going on for the website.
admin & tech (quickest way to contact me is by email)
assistant editor, volunteer
We have a few members who volunteer their time to the site. They assist primarily for the Editors' Choice on the Home page at the moment.
We're always welcoming to more members who'd wish to join our efforts! (more details)
[06 Oct 2024] - Important: PoetBay's moving. We'll go offline 07 Oct[4 Feb-06 Oct] - Website: Progress Journal (Update 7)
[30-31 May] - Important: Scheduled maintenance | Site downtime
[10 Jan] - Website: Progress Journal (Update 1)
[19 May] - Terms of Membership | Reminder on Solicitation
view them all
Editorial Team |
[01 Jul] - Community poll | Posting limit? (HOLD) (18) - 2021-07-02
PoetBay's Terms of Membership (Links index) - 2021-06-21
How-To: PoetBay Challenge Themes - 2020-01-15
MY TEXTS, Archive 574 Texts
Howl, Parts I & II (5) - 2009-04-27
Featured exhibition 25/04/09 - 02/05/09 - 2009-04-25
Rima I (4) - 2009-04-24
Featured exhibition 18/04/09 - 25/04/09 - 2009-04-22
Phantom (3) - 2009-04-21
why must itself up every of a park (3) - 2009-04-18
A Different Spore - 2009-04-11
Featured exhibition 11/04/09 - 18/04/09 - 2009-04-11
Featured exhibition 04/04/09 - 11/04/09 - 2009-04-04
A Bag of Tools (2) - 2009-04-03
Trois-par-Huit Compilation (3) - 2009-03-31
Trois-par-Huit Challenge - 2009-03-29
Featured exhibition 28/03/09-04/04/09 - 2009-03-28
Writing by Candlelight - Earth Hour challenge (1) - 2009-03-28
Candles - 2009-03-27
Ars Poetica - 2009-03-26
Morning Song (4) - 2009-03-23
Featured exhibition 22/03/09 - 28/03/09 - 2009-03-21
Ode to the West Wind (2) - 2009-03-18
Waiting for the Barbarians (3) - 2009-03-13
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"Keep Writing!"Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/EditorialTeam