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Member since 2025-01-30
Has written 27 comments

Has received 9 applauds


Trump's politics are simple: who is in their place, and who is not...

Adaptarse es solo la forma suavizada de la integración.

Why wouldn't the next Dalai Lama reincarnate as a Black woman? It would be a beautiful feminist gesture from the Buddhist gods!

Está tan fuera de lugar que el espejo se niega a darle su reflejo.

If the world revolved around doctors, the doctors would spin like Sufis.

A heart transplant recipient loves with someone else's emotions.

To die of old age or illness
To die of the heart or the soul
It is always to die of weakness

How do experts determine that a work was created by a specific artist? Could AI replace these experts? It's paradoxal because AI is plagiarism

Using plagiarism software to determine if works are plagiarized is enough to make one tear their hair out.

do they pass or stay?
and if they pass, do they pass slower than me...? so that I feel like they stay...?

Not surprisingly, it is those most worried about their own standing who challenge the place of others, viewing it as undeserved...

If I believe that by howling with the wolves, I become one, of course I am mistaken... but if racism is a punishable act, then teasing humor about people's origins immediately becomes unacceptable. I don't know if this is a positive thing...

Kanye West says he loves Hitler. If I were a Nazi, I would take that as an insult. To me, it would mean that he sees us as a joke, as has-beens who don't scare anyone anymore!

A Kobe beef taken for a guinea pig.

"It would be necessary to invent a joke-generating program."

One does not understand the History of Robots, told by the Robots themselves...

to be poor, you can learn it as well

if one needed God to make light! we would use silex instead

the being in movement, the conditions of its existence

He never needed God, automatically

why do you want to extract people from their profession, and treat them as vulgar

at a certain time there is a follow up in his ideas or a push me out

words don't mean anything to me
there is more than what texts say and more that words say...

if I had to work until death, who would I keep near me to sustain my life ? And do I have the power to do so ?

you can count people but at a certain stage they become mass, can we call it the mass spirit?

the general opinion is in the IA searching bar: " it's not because we are not "scientifics" that our opinions doesn't matter

love teacher, and hatred teacher, learn by yourself your mixed feelings

Western Cowboys: i have pointed a gun on my doctor's head to force him to heal me
tu vas me soigner ou je te fais péter le caisson!

there is a huge gap between I would like to and I did it

you're never sure about the seeds that have been planted in you until you have tasted its fruits

futures contain traces of the past

time was so long before dying but so short when I was occupied

occupy or being occupied by your thoughts, that's the question...Action or Rumination

tu déduis du temps qu'il fait, le temps qui passe

what does he wait to tell it?

preserved:if you tomb reaches the age of time, it will end up in a museum

Coca Cola with low calories
Energy drinks low in energy

women alone are paid in nature

you wanna die like a Japanese officer who lived like a male pregnant student (it's today's preoccupation), empty of knowledges but full of future lifes

when the siren of the ambulance is on, we know where they end but not where they come from

it's not what I tell them on Facebook that keeps their attention aware, it is what they have made of my life here

les anges qui montaient et descendaient l'échelle de Jacob étaient des facteurs d'échelle

secure rex : protection du Roi depuis l'antiquité
secure rail : gardes-barrières, déformation du rail sous les contraintes et protection contre le cuivre volé
"ces italiens qui puent leur ail"

qui fait ses choux gras de ce que tu mets sur Internet?

L'enfance est un âge où l'on n'est pas encore atteint pas la cécité !

quand on se sent le plus fort du monde , c'est à combien ? en nombre ou en masse?

les mots vous limitent que si vous avez en tête une bibliothèque ou un alphabet?

cleverer than the sad people, the happier ones

pétrie et contrepèterie

deux options se présentent à toi, soit tu essayes d'être éternel dans ce monde-ci, soit dans l'au-delà..dans l'au-delà, ton sort est scellé par les prêtres et dans ce monde-ci, on n'y est pas encore parvenus mais cela sera l'oeuvre des hommes de sciences...

les prophètes sont les plus mal lotis (comme les cordonniers) car ils ne savent pas ce qu'il va leur arriver, s'ils sont dans les plans de D.ieu

si tu arrives au plan Q, c'est que les plans précédents n'ont pas fonctionné !

il n'y a pas de plan Q sans plan B pour sauver la planète

prévois-tu un autre plan après ton plan Q?

il y a la méthode MICHEL DRUCKER que personne ne connaît vraiment et dont il a le secret, je pense qu'il l'emportera avec lui au paradis s'il existe et qu'elle retournera dans les mains du Bon D.ieu

mais de qui parle-t-il? de moi ou des autres ou de moi en tant qu'autres?

t'as payé pour avoir du Q ou t'as payé pour avoir mon Q? et quand j'ai eu du Q, t'as voulu mon Q?

Is life a matter of progress in life or lifespan? What really matters? Is it a question of temperament... Between us, the fact that AI has an answer to everything irritates me tremendously!

it would be stupid to think like AI if it could really think because we don't have its tremendous memory

you don't learn life by loosing it
tu n'apprends pas la vie en en perdant une partie petit à petit

to kill someone doesn't add more years to your own life !

the life in terms of value or lifespan?

"By never naming things, we add to the chaos of the world."

88: image of 8 in the mirror or double 8,the mirror and double

What is the difference between the theologian, the sage, and the scholar?

In a historic battle, we do not speak of the soldiers who die by the thousands; the blood of the soldiers that was shed is the ink that narrates the exploits of the generals!

it is not because I am predictable that I have no free will

I suspect Trump of wanting to promote a black market or smuggling of the most taxed goods!

Albert Vynckier

MY TEXTS, Archive 51 Texts

copyright in AI (1) - 2025-02-07
we share the same place, not the same identity - 2025-02-06
the neighbors (2) - 2025-02-05
Do more and people will do the rest... - 2025-02-05
untitled - 2025-02-05
a dream come true - 2025-02-03
Pistonville... (2) - 2025-02-03
Fresh Milk (2) - 2025-02-02
are you shore ? (1) - 2025-02-01
Dalai Lama - 2025-02-01
the free will (1) - 2025-01-31
It's me or them - 2025-01-30
Time & Identity - 2025-01-30
space - 2025-01-30

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"I suspect Trump of wanting to promote a black market or smuggling of the most taxed goods!"