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one trick pony is lynn
aka jim
life is a very slow disappearing act
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MY TEXTS, Archive 839 Texts
the first cherries (1) - 2023-06-15
a dance not danced/a festival of two (2) - 2023-06-11
twelfth night, awaiting (2) - 2023-06-08
gulf of california (1) - 2023-06-08
dawn (2) - 2023-06-03
eventide (1) - 2023-06-03
symmetry (1) - 2023-05-30
chasing (1) - 2023-05-16
elise (2) - 2023-05-08
the girl in a red shirt (5) - 2023-05-06
two poems (3) - 2023-04-17
Subjective (1) - 2023-04-11
listening to the carmell jones quartet on a rainy day (3) - 2023-03-25
matinee (1) - 2023-02-23
unbuttoning (5) - 2023-02-20
traffic (5) - 2023-02-09
Dear to Me (5) - 2023-01-29
by any other name (6) - 2023-01-23
minutes (3) - 2023-01-18
winter (2) - 2023-01-09
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