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Member since 2025-01-19
Has written 4 comments


"Mathematical generalizations are a sign of genius, but generalizations made by humans about people are harmful, especially when used to discriminate."

"I'm not inventing the concept of racism when I speak of it; I'm simply uncovering a reality that has been hidden in plain sight."

"Where are you from?" "From a place that no longer feels like home." "I didn't grow up in a bubble."

"To target a Jew with insults simply because they are Jewish is the purest form of antisemitism.
Some rabbis argue that being Jewish is as indefinable as...G-d?"

Albert Vynckier

MY TEXTS, Archive 3 Texts

white privilege (2) - 2025-01-19
A.I. (1) - 2025-01-19
a visual anchor - 2025-01-19