Trucky Truck Truck

Once there was a Massive Turnip Noise and Curls.
Oh yes inweedy deedy Beady it was a huge Hessian of Vegetation, must have grown tup in Alaskanas or Texsums sumwitch.
Well now, the show puplace of whatsome'er status wuz rather proud of this Nativity Sun mind ye and plant to send aforemench to Washing Tons D Seas
for to offer appropriate praise to Mighty Zuma Duma infernal regions of Dantesque therein, (mis.)
Uno problemo esse!
Where to esquire a semi Colon Hauler of stuff fish ant statue to convey such a pizza jerk to the Pebbles Squad in Pentagram Central?

Stay Tuned for the ingenious Soul Dissolution.

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1194 times
Written on 2016-02-18 at 02:19

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Ivan R
I like the feel of this, it is interesting and free-flowing, and might have a deeper meaning, that I can not catch, but I do like the feel of this, it is impressing

Hmm, big problem. Maybes gixin' it to a trillion millions ladybirds to fly it oer?

James and his entourage from the Giant Peach might move in, watch out.


by Chaucer Whethers