Ghost Of A Ghost

She loves him within certain limits
Comes so close but always goes back home
However humble the nest is known to be
Madness Central, Suspect Tranquility
Lives within the strangest places, Grace
Accepts what is not wanted but apparently must be,
He needs her without limits but has his limits as she reaches
Out for him, he turns away a sideways glance as if to say
"There never was a chance was there?"
Perhaps the ghost of a ghost sadly smiles somewhere
Mortal fool and Spirit wise with the Past like a Present
Turning Ferris wheel Summers in the memories of her eyes
He wants to hold her close kiss the death of dreams she cries,
And loves him within certain limits
Comes so close but always,
Goes back home . . .

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1110 times
Written on 2016-05-25 at 00:51

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by Chaucer Whethers