Sadness by Ann Wood

I am again alone and lonely.
I stay in my dark room.
I am sad and crying.
It is dark and rainy night.
I singing a sad song
and dance with Casper,
my ghost friend.
He always listening
to me without talking.
He give me hugs when
I need them.
He is my best friend
when I am sad and lonely.
It is dark and rainy night.
I am alone in my room
only Casper is with me,
in my sadness.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1072 times
Written on 2017-04-05 at 00:29

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Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
So true and thanks for the lovely coment

Nancy Sikora
Our ghosts are good company; they are there when we need them and fade back into the corners when we don't.

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank you Ashe.No I am not leaving

This is such a sad and sweet poem. Why are you leaving?

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes we need happiness more then sadness.Thank you for the coment Helen

When I am sad, for some silly reason, I like
to listen to sad old country music. It comforts
me. Well wishes for good days. We need them.

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank you Ken you are so kind to me at all the time

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
In the world of words
Of poetry
You, we are not alone
Poetry, writ, read
Shired, then, we are among good friends, well met

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
I hope you like my last poem.I just wrote it.I want to say thank you to all of you and the team for the support and the lovely coments you did on my poems.I hope I can use this lovely poetry site and in the future.I really enjoy my time on here meet few nice people and read so many beautiful poems.Good luck everyone with your poetry.In love and light homy my friend and sister in heart Louise55 will say.Lets make love,not wars.I love you all my dears friends,whatever you are in this world.Take care,be safe and blessed.May Our Lord give you peace and harmony in your life.I want to say a big Thank you to all of you,for being here for me.With respect Ann Wood


First step in poetry
by Ann Wood