Six long months with out our Ashley by Ann Wood

Six long months with out our Ashley!
I can not believe is aleardy six months since you left us Ashley.
Yesterday it was yours 33rd birthday, we have small memorial party for you.
The house for first time was full of joys and happy memories about you.
Everyone say story about you that they remember.
We all cry and smile at same time, remember how funny girl were you are.
Most kind, caring, funny and sweet loving girl I ever meet, God I miss her so much.
Today we all will send ballones to the heaven with love messages to you sweetheart, Happy Valentines Day we loves you to the Moon and back and forever.
Rest in peace my Angel my the Lord bless you and let you found your way home Amen!
With love and light always yours loving family and friends and mom Ann Wood!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 826 times
Written on 2018-02-12 at 19:57

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In memory of Ashley Gail Fay
by Ann Wood