A Piece From Old City
Just down the road a piece from Old City, past a long straight and two or more crooks and bends, if you look to your left and then to the right you may that is you might find yourself face to face with an old church. Legend has it named 'The Purple Angel Cafe.'There in The Purple Angel Cafe Somewhere so High
Where Ghosts wear their holey wraiths like halos soft
Magdalene Liz gives Joking Jim the biz and that's not all
Just something is, she's smoking brown leaves before the fall
While you speak with nothing more to say the way she sigh
Like a laughing cry spirits make while aloft,
Sangfroid writes ghost prescription =s in the zebra rafters
Blue, blue Molly rattles coddles breaking bottles with velvet wrists
The demon gin pretends to not resist the rain, not without pain
Feels Winter summer in the mists does not list or strain
Just slips,
Down the road a piece from Old City . . .
Poetry by Chaucer Whethers
Read 983 times
Written on 2019-05-04 at 14:24
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