Forty long days wiout our beloved Janet Davis by Ann Wood

Forty long days wiout our beloved Janet Davis.
I cant believe that you not long with us.
Still waiting to get phone call from you and hear yours sweet voice.
Often thinking of you and remember the time we were together in Pontins, Blackpool.
I miss you so much, and always will do.
You was so kind to me, never miss my birthday, Easter, Cristmas or New year to not call me and send me a card.
You gift me the love of yours loving family, which become and mine family too.
Rest in peace my beautiful angel hope now you are pain free.
You left so many good memories my dear Janet, I will never forget our times together and phone calls.
I love you grandma, you are in my heart forever.
With love, light and peace always yours Ann Wood.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 793 times
Written on 2019-11-14 at 17:42

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I dedicate this verse collection to
by Ann Wood