Twelve is a powerful number representing the amount of spokes in the wheel of life. In magik ( yes, with a k) the number twelve represents the complete ; the perfect.

Twelve reasons for letting her live

The first
day she arrived
a raven was the only one to greet her
by landing in her hair
still wet from travelling through fall

The second
time the raven appeared
it was at her front steps with a broken wing
and a bloodstained note tied around its neck with an iron string
misspelling her name in red ink

The third
eye she used at night
to keep her safe through sleep
from those who wanted to burn the ground
her feet had touched

The fourth
of November
was the day they said she had been seen
riding a white wolf to every door
searching for a new soul to capture

The fifth
season only existed in the places
she had travelled through
riding panic-ally away
from their curses and torches

The sixth
candle she lit
made the star complete
as she prayed for their ignorance to fade
the shield of the flames kept her warm

The seventh
quilt she made
with brown patches of fabric from her dress
each sewn together in the pattern of a tree
with seven leaves shaped as the moons that made a year

The eighth
month she gave birth
to a baby girl after eighteen hours of brutal labour
the child took her first breath
on the raw spring-earth

The ninth
year of her daughters life
she tried to cover the girls eyes
as a group of men set fire to her belongings
and tore her child away from her clutch

The tenth
family that took her in
as a forced christian deed of good
after burning away the witch-soul of her mother
kept her feet chained in a garden shed

The eleventh
number represents new beginnings
she repeated to herself
running barefoot through the thick woods
that made her invisible to their hunt

The twelfth
autumn in her life
she arrived without greeting
except from a red-winged raven landing softly
in her wet sulfur colored hair

All rights reserved, © Lourdes Segovia Castle. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Poetry by Lourdes
Read 1262 times
Written on 2006-06-16 at 10:03

Tags Magik 

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It is about evil and goodness, how one can not exist without the other and how evil is done by those believed to be good and vice versa. It is about being different and being persecuted and killed for that. It is about being born with powers that up to this day is believed to be evil by some. It is about fear, shame, pride, witch-craft, love, magik and magic. It is what it is to the reader. The images are within you.

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Laurdes,
A beautiflly structured poem,
And very well told story,
There is a lot of history in it,
From the face of it, to me it seems
like history of Amarican Blacks,
Correct me if Iam wrong, but I am
Reminded of Tony Morrison's Novels.

Love, xxx, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
I am just sitting here wondering how to take what's inside me and put it to words regarding my feelings that are swelling up after reading this. I was lost in this story, lost in it captivating, haunting grasp. This deserves the number 12! kathy

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
wow a very powerful text and so very interestingly so well done your poetry jumps out of the page at you


daughters of cinder_daughters of powder
by Lourdes