There Is Glory

amid jacked-up headlines

tragedies and travesties


despite absolute exhaustion

amid fudged intentions and spoilt dreams


amid death and devastation

despite the treachery and trickery


there is glory




there are Lisa and her humble servant

singing Britpop from 40 years ago

on our way home from a Xmas gathering




there is the underthrum of Grace

like the palpable pulse of Mary's cat

as it sprawls in her poem-birthing lap




there is glory in the queerness of life (all senses)

there is glory where the undiscerning do not perceive it


in soot-encrusted snow

in winter-shrivelled leaves

in Harvard Square and in Cooke’s Hollow

in the old mill brook that reeks of industry

in the weary in the bleary in the teary


there is glory in St James’s Church

there is glory in J---- who may have to read this litany

there is glory in the lacksleep


there is glory in the prisoners whose hopes refuse to die


there is glory whenever someone listens

instead of lectures or hectors


whenever someone sings


whenever someone stands

and quietly speaks

one purest clearest truest word


there is surely glory




whenever someone dares

with trembling courage with quavering bravery

to be whoever she was meant to be

to say plainly to the world around her

I cannot be diminished or dismissed


whenever someone dares

to step away from toxic thought

when he embraces and ceases to judge


then love will coax from softening soil

some unmistakably immortal grace


some flower of inextinguishable light

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 183 times
Written on 2024-02-09 at 15:06

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Mirror of Patience
by Uncle Meridian