Heal Our Wounds

Bring healing to the soul raging that God is cancer.
Bring healing to the incel venting gripes and spite,
not finding his way to compassion.
Bring healing to the addict of videos termed "adult."
Bring healing to the fallen-down drunk
at the corner of Newbury Street and Mass Ave.
Bring healing to the fifteen-year-old who cuts,
who blocks out her world with cacophonous music.
Bring healing to the worn-out woman
bundled against the elements
in the archway of Epworth Methodist.
Bring healing to the ones
who didn't make it out of East Boston,
the kids who’d hang out on the corner, up to no good.
Bring healing to the grumblers, the cranks, the crackpots.
Bring healing to the religious maniacs.
Bring healing to the headstrong, the boorish,
the scorners of peace and civility.

Bless the tarnished petal,
the wrecked ocean, the blighted sky,
Bring life and love again to the cramped heart.
Announce to the withered mind

a second springtime.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 156 times
Written on 2024-03-22 at 12:01

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Amen, yes sometimes, the power must come from beyond


Mirror of Patience
by Uncle Meridian