Okay, this is a little dorky, and stating the bloody obvious. But I haven't written a villanelle in a while, and wanted to see if I could do it. Yes, I've bent the rules a bit. Hanging offense, sans doute.

Sed Contra

Enough with old-school men who blindly see

women as mere adornment, decoration:

to hell with such flagrant misogyny.


A dolt who scorns a woman's artistry,

who sees her power as abomination:

travesty of a man! He fails to see


in her his equal intellectually ---

often, indeed, a mind of higher station!

To hell with such brain-dead misogyny.


He'll praise soft skin and pert nubility.

He'll blurt out Queen and Goddess in elation.

Such rancid ballyhoo. These men who see


their heaven in a woman of twenty-three,

but deem that fifty is past expiration:

who needs such evident misogyny?


A predator once held the presidency

and boasted of his loutish violation.

But other more restrained men fail to see

the consequence of their misogyny.


Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 147 times
Written on 2024-04-10 at 10:18

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A Good Day Indeed
by Uncle Meridian