Meh. I'll hafta revise this someday.

For the Waters Are Come In, Even Unto My Soul

Save me, Kindly Light, Perfect Peace,

save me from malefic twerps
in high places, from the plague
that prowls at night, from the scourge
that strikes at the noon of the day.


Save me, Book of Common Prayer,
Saint Helena Psalter, inclusive language,

unprintable language, barmaids of yesteryear.




Save me, rockabilly, punk, post-punk,

Nick Lowe and Marshall Crenshaw,

New Wave and synth-pop,

save me, Smiths, and save me, Cure.

Save me, YouTube litanies,
save me, virtual church,
save me, Seattle church-musicians,
save me, dulcimer and guitar,
save me, Folgers Instant Coffee,
which I shouldn't be drinking at midnight.


Save me, Serenity, Courage and Wisdom,
save me, Feel, Deal, and Heal,

save me, Experience, Strength, and Hope,

save me, Gratitude, save me, Amends,

save me, Eleventh Step.


Save me, elated early draft,
save me, humble revision.

Save me, beatniks and formalists,
Roethke and Oliver, Ginsberg and Cummings,
save me, Dylan Thomas, save me, Uncle Wystan.


Save me, sober woman-friend,
forty-odd, fifty, luminous in blue jeans
winsome and barefoot, listening to podcasts,

reading with wise and kindly eyes,

denouncing the callous, loving the vulnerable,

bodying kindness, pulsing radiance.




Save me, autumn leaves,

save me, fluent gibberish,

save me, hysterical punstering,

save me, peanut butter sandwiches.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 145 times
Written on 2024-05-27 at 14:15

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Yea! Whilst thou dost call unto the clean waters thy litany doth fall upon the stony ground, wherein thy call for succour upon the peanut butter omits the fruit of the berry in compote form - verily the jam, known amongst the heathen colonials as jelly. As penance I command thee to prepare such as between two slices of bread.

Anyway, as always a corker - nice one Thomas.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
As the result of such a powerful (and at times humerous) piece of poetry, I hereby declare that you are saved! Congratulations!
Blessings, Allen


Omega, Refreshed
by Uncle Meridian