[finding language]

yesterday        no it was Monday


Monday in my texting with Donna

I found language to convey
not only how much but in precisely what way
I love her


and she responded with grace and kindness
and capacious understanding




but all too often
even with Donna


I don't have the emotional language
to deal candidly and maturely
with the bigger and more "romantic"
(is that the right word?) feelings


maybe Miss Moore was right when she called
romantic love "a devouring gorgon"


"toward which        as toward wine
unfaith is renewal"

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 126 times
Written on 2024-09-20 at 08:49

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I think you enjoy greatly the company of women, it's the mark of a civilized man


by Uncle Meridian