Winter Morning Walks is a title of a book of poems by former American poet laureate Ted Kooser (b. 1939, term as laureate 2004-06). Kooser is the "elderly poet" of my poem's opening line.

[winter night-walks]

The elderly poet

waves his flashlight

clearing a path, as it

were, ahead of him

in the Nebraska cold.

And sheep and cattle

are sleeping in barns

some dark distance

from the roadside.

A flag whips against

a stiff winter wind.

Silos. Old houses.

The yellow squares

of crossbarred windows

like wee beacons

in the vast night

proclaim to any

solitary walker:

here is warmth, safety

and domesticity;

here, a kitchen and coffee

and buttered toast.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 65 times
Written on 2025-01-28 at 10:22

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
This to me evokes Ted Kooser, that most observational poet, and neglected on this side of the pond. A good one Thomas


by Uncle Meridian