This was inspired by the song "Summer Lightning" By Ephraim Lewis. May his soul rest in peace. 1968-1994

Summer Lightning (Music Title Challenge)

Gray clouds and air surrounded me
As I ventured in the nature known by many
To be a amusement park ride by many respects
I knew that I had a chance to see something more

The greens of the land were vibrant and alive
The yellow sun was partial and yet solemn
Seeing the plains around me I felt the energy
Surge through every empty plain in my body

Continuing my journey the water was rising
The air was dense and I didn't know what was ahead
Every step held the potential for imminent danger
Yet I kept a high head and an open mind

The oranges and the grays of the skies blended
Creating a makeshift sunset
That one summer day walking in the nature
I felt a spark of lighting touch down behind me

The sky was playing games with me

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 815 times
Written on 2006-09-23 at 03:48

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Zoya Zaidi

My apologies Aaron. I knew you can do it!!!!

Wonderful, Rob, wonderful!!!


The Power of Nature
by Coolaaron88