A Few Proverbs for life ~Proverb Challenge~

Move around like arrows in the water surrounded by landmines.

Time is your only real enemy in this world.

It only takes one idea to start a war but a thousand ideas to keep it from beginning.

Believing is easy but trying is valiant.

One that moves blindly in the night is foolish; the one who moves in the light is wise.

Lose one second, gain recognition; lose one hour gain apprehension.

Lust is momentary; love is forever and a day .

Deceived by blandishment is normal; breaking through the illusion is special.

Knowledge is power; corruption is optional.

Jealousy is poison; wanting is normal.

Life is full of mistakes, Mistakes are full of memories.

Love is like water; it is need but sometimes can never be found.

Dreams are what sleep is made of; dreams are what life is made of.

Life, like death, come and go like waves in the sea.

Those that look for lust will find only the crumbs of a dying love.

Sex may hold many pleasures but what you reap may not be treasure.

We are one, body, mind, soul and the chain is forever flowing.

Using the light as a cover for the darkness is clever yet unexpected.

Dreams are the seeds that grow into potential, perseverance and success.

Just like eyes, time watches you and plans its moves and decisions.

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1081 times
Written on 2006-10-29 at 02:06

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In Deep Thought
by Coolaaron88