In Response to KJC's Thunderous Electrifying Power

Blazing Radiant Force

A power lost until revived
One little flame to search and destroy
The pleasures found and people enjoy
Engulfs dreams and long lasting desire
The angels wish this force would retire
Blazing through homes and leaves a path
Of broken hearts and dreams, at last it seems
There is no stopping this constant wrath
First it's our friend giving us safety and protection
Then it’s an enemy, spreading deadly infection
Can change in form and keeps the earth warm
Yet it’s the driving force in life’s fierce storms
Provides light for protection when its pitch dark
It’s like the solitude of the water until you see the shark
Like mines underwater you don’t want to disturb
This sporadic force that attacks all in range
A life for a life, fires perfect exchange
After all is said and done
Nature has lost; surrendered; fire has won
Though fire is toxic and its destruction vast
This fervent force will never last

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1119 times
Written on 2006-10-29 at 23:48

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The Power of Nature
by Coolaaron88