I break my dreams into dark blue
With golden moments flying...

Get On Through

I break my dreams into dark blue
With golden moments flying
A heart is either true or untrue
In each its way it's trying
Reach on and hold to a dream
In the cold that we don't know
Crazy all these times seem
Moving its distance fast or slow

Cry me a star or a cloud of time
All is inside a moments drift
The afterthoughts try to mime
What goes by to strike and swift?
Some will never reach a height
Underneath the downward lies
Why it is that wings lose flight
Or a thought gives up and dies

I'll break lose to go boldfaced
Passing the clouds far in dim
I was born and thus just raised
Never the deep gulf to swim
What it's worth make a mistake
All is not lost because of this
Hindrance to bend and break
Get on though with your wish

Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 1725 times
Written on 2006-11-02 at 20:26

Tags Dreams  Fast  Slow 

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David Hazell
Excellent imagery. Lovely bouncy work. Very enjoyable for such a deep poem.


Here Is To This Day
by Peter S. Quinn