This will be my series on how elements bring on our destruction. Enjoy Poets : )

Elemental Destruction Part 1: Water

Creeping misty air walks by

Telling stories lie by lie

Water running in the shower

Minute by minute increasing power

Ice is here and mist is there

Water has power set everywhere

The seed of vitality; the root of life

Can heal in a second or kill like a knife

Spiritual calming or another ruse

Or maybe a stunt to hurt and abuse

Keep thinking that your safe in your head

Or alone in your room asleep in your bed

The wave is coming and coming fast

Our safety is minute; it will never last

Aquatic destruction is soon to crash

It starts out softly with one little splash



Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1726 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 01:32

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WOW!!!!! this is amazing, the first time i tried to read this i didn't understand beacause i was multitasking, good job showing the downside of water, i can see it. Hey, stop insulting me, that's my french horn element (don't ask) jk.



The Power of Nature
by Coolaaron88